Conference topics
The 13th International Symposium on Crystallization in Glasses and Liquids is the continuation of a series of successfull meetings organized by the TC7 of the International Commision on Glass (ICG) :
- Segovia, Spain 2017 (M.J. Pascual, A. Duran)
- Nagaoka, Japan 2015 (T. Komatsu, A. Sakamoto)
- Goslar, Germany 2000 (J. Deubener)
- Iguaçu Falls, Brazil 2009 (E.D. Zanotto)
- Jackson Hole, U.S.A. 2006 (M. Davis)
- Sheffield, U.K. 2003 (P.F. James)
- Vaduz, Liechenstein 2000 (W. Höland)
- Florianopólis, Brazil (E.D. Zanotto)
- Fundamental approaches to nucleation, crystal growth and diffusion
- Simulations, modeling, theory
- Relationships between glass structure and nucleation
- Liquid phase separation, heterogeneities
- Properties of glass-ceramics (thermal, magnetic, mechanical, electrical, optical, chemical)
- Advanced methods, techniques and characterization tools (in-situ, real time, space resolution)
- Developments and novel nucleation/crystallization processes, including photo-, laser-induced crystallization
- Role of nucleating agents
- New glass-ceramics and applications
- Used of glass-ceramics and crystallized glasses for waste storages
- Crystallization in natural glasses/melts and amorphous materials (polymers, sol-gel, metallic glasses, thin films)